How To Use Sample Letters for Permission Protocols Drafting

Privacy Policy Template

Every day, apps on our smartphones, websites, and computerized systems gather tons of our personal information. Is it legal? You may be surprised to learn that it is. More than that, it is you who gives them the right to do it through special documents called permission protocols. In this guide, we will discuss what functions they serve, what elements they contain, and how using samples can make the process of drafting these protocols easier.

What Is a Permission Protocol?

Do you remember that when you uploaded a new app on your phone, it asked you if it could send you notifications? Or when a website requested you to allow it to know your location? These were permission protocols.

Computer systems, applications, or websites can send you this form to get your permission to access your personal information. Besides, some applications may ask you to let them use certain features of your device, such as a microphone or a camera.

The main function of such protocols is to ensure all user’s personal data is gathered legally and isn’t stolen. Also, they protect users’ privacy and prevent data breaches. It's like a digital "knock on the door" that asks if it's okay to come in.

Systems and applications may need access to different types of information: your photos, audio, contact list, etc. So, every time a newly installed app or website asks to access your storage or gallery, consider these permission requests carefully.

Elements of a permission protocol

Every permission protocol, whether it is used by an app, a website, or an online platform, should contain such elements:

  • Identity establishment ensures that all parties have been verified before access or permissions are granted. In other words, when you allow an app to access your photos or list of contacts, you should clearly understand which application requests it.
  • Consent proves that the user has really given permission to use their data and files. If a website or an app fakes this consent, the company may face a lawsuit. Whether the user downloads a simple game to play or a social media application, like Instagram, they should give their clear permission to use their private information. More than that, at any time, they should have the right to annul this consent and restrict access to all or some of their files.
  • Personal data of any individual should be stored and used in accordance with security measures. A permission protocol protects the user’s information from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction and clearly states it. When you access a website, and it asks you a few questions, like “How old are you?” or “What is your location?”, it should guarantee no other person, system, or application can access and use your answers for their purposes.
  • An application or a website requesting the user’s information should use only data essential for its functioning and proper work. In other words, if you upload an application for editing photos, it should not ask you for your list of contacts because it does not need this data to function correctly.
  • Every permission protocol should name the purpose or its request and explain where and how this personal data will be applied. For instance, you may receive a message with the text “To edit this photo, allow the application to access your gallery.” In this case, the user understands not only what type of information they need to provide but also why they need to do it.
  • Access control states who can view, use, or modify the data from the user’s device. This list is very limited, and if any of your files get to third parties, it will be considered a data breach and a reason to file a lawsuit against the company.
  • All users should have open access to all data management policies of the company that has access to their personal information.

Generally, a permission protocol is a set of rules created to ensure all the data from users’ devices are used securely and ethically. It promotes trust between an application or a computer system and the user.

How Are Permission Protocols Drafted?

A permission protocol is a document that establishes a connection between the system and the user. It means that it should be strictly structured and formulated in a simple and comprehensive manner so that every person reading it could understand it.

A person responsible for drafting this document should outline the rules on how the system should interact with users’ information, namely whether it can read, write, and modify personal data. The process of creating an effective and comprehensible permission protocol presupposes several important steps:

  1. Determine the format of the app, website, or computer system and enlist the main components, such as data, access points, and subsystems. This is necessary for understanding what information may be needed from users. For instance, to work smoothly, a music app may need access to people’s playlist, microphones, headphones, and the speaker.
  2. Outline various user types, such as an administrator, a regular user, a temporary or a guest user. Each of these personalities should have different levels of access.
  3. Clearly define each level of access required. For example, "read" access allows the system to view the user’s information without the right to change it. Other options may be "write," "execute," and "modify."
  4. Match system roles to access levels. Justify why a particular role needs certain permissions and document your reasoning.
  5. Write down the permission protocol itself. Use clear, simple language to explain all the rules so that all users can understand them easily.
  6. When the protocol is ready, take the time to review it and make necessary changes. The document should not contain any mistakes or errors that can be misinterpreted by the user.
  7. Review and update the permission protocol regularly. It should remain relevant as the system evolves over time.

The Benefits of Using Sample Letters

Drafting a clear and comprehensive permission protocol from scratch is possible, but the whole process can take days or even weeks. To make it shorter, you can use sample letters that serve as examples of permission protocols and give you a clear understanding of the structure, key elements, and purpose of the document.

For instance, an authorization letter sample gives an assigned individual or entity permission to perform particular actions or tasks on another person’s behalf. In such a way, using this letter as a sample, you can construct a permission protocol that asks for permission to use users’ information. The authorization letter also specifies what actions can be taken by the assigned entity and within what deadlines. Similarly, in your permission protocol, you should also mention what information the user allows you to use and during what period.

Here are the key advantages of using sample letters:

  • Clarity

Sample letters provide an easy-to-understand version of the technical details in a permission protocol. This allows even less tech-savvy individuals to grasp the concept of permissions and roles.

  • Consistency

    Adopting a standardized format of permission protocols allows you to reduce errors and help users better understand how and where their information is used.

  • Time-saving

A model letter can serve as a blueprint and significantly reduce the time you need to draft your own protocols.

  • Education

Sample letters can also serve as educational tools for training new team members and refreshing the knowledge of existing employees. The more permission protocols the team creates, the better it knows how to do it.


Permission protocols are important elements of digital security. They establish trust between the companies creating applications and websites and users and guarantee that the personal information of the latter will not be misused or get to a third party. However, since the process of creating such protocols is rather time-consuming, the use of special sample letters is the best solution. They allow companies dealing with users’ personal data to create clear, consistent, and well-structured protocols that leave no space for misinterpretation of mistakes.