Why Teachers Should Use Virtual Phone Numbers

Virutal phone numbers

Technology has always played a major role in improving education, and some examples are online classes and virtual learning. However, one of the underutilized inventions that has significant potential for educators is the use of virtual phone numbers. Virtual phone numbers are mobile phone numbers that aren't linked to any single device or location. These phone numbers use VoIP technology to make and receive calls through the Internet. The technology dates back to the late 1960s but became popular in the 80s when different service providers modified and offered the technology to users.

Currently, virtual phone numbers are used by various professionals, entrepreneurs, and travelers who want to stay in touch. However, we believe they would also suit educators by giving them more control over their communication, and here are some reasons.

Privacy and Security

Everyone loves privacy. Even when seeking writing help from platforms EssayUSA writing service, one has to be guaranteed that the dealing will remain confidential. Privacy is also essential for teachers. As an educator, you interact with people from your professional world and personal life. Parents will often want a way to reach their children's teachers. Besides, teachers have to interact with colleagues, superiors, and more.

Virtual phone numbers could help separate an educator's personal life from their professional lives. The technology can help teachers keep their personal numbers private while still being able to communicate with students, parents and their colleagues. It will also give them the freedom to decide who they give their personal information, protecting them from unwanted calls and messages from people outside their network.

More Flexibility

SIM card phone numbers rely on devices that accept a user's SIM card, so you can only use them on phones or tablets. However, since virtual phone numbers are not tied to any device or location, you can use them on any device with an internet connection, including phones, tablets, laptops, and even desktop computers.

So, educators can communicate from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Also, they can switch between devices without losing any data. Virtual phone numbers can also help them communicate in remote areas where mobile phone communication is affected.


Maintaining a professional image is important in developing your career as an educator. By having a virtual phone number for their profession, teachers can create a more professional image among other faculty, parents, and students. They can choose toll-free numbers with phrases related to their subject or field. On top of that, they can also customize their voicemail greeting and caller ID and use various call forwarding options to suit their needs.

Virtual Phone Numbers Are Cheaper

Phone plans are responsible for a significant portion of the monthly bills the average citizen pays. The monthly phone bill for the average American is between around $140-$160. Compared to this, virtual phone numbers are a lot cheaper. They don't require hardware installation or maintenance fees, and users can get cheaper call and texting rates within the country.

For teachers with phone plans for their personal use, a virtual phone number might be the better solution for your professional contacts. Moreover, they won't even need a separate device for their virtual number, which saves on further costs.

Better Communication With Parents

Parents nowadays like to be more involved with their children's education. It means occasionally contacting teachers to stay informed about their students. Virtual phone numbers can improve communication between teachers and parents, keeping them up-to-date about upcoming events and important announcements. Educators can create customized responses and even create automated updates that keep the parents well informed.

Virtual Phone Numbers Offer Amazing Features That Can Benefit Educators

Another major reason for equipping teachers with virtual phone numbers can be seen in the various features that give users more control over their communication.

Voicemail and Call Blocking

You can set call rules that dictate when you receive phone calls to avoid interruptions at inconvenient times. For example, some parents can become so involved in student affairs that they frequently contact teachers at awkward hours.

Educators can counter this by setting when they can receive calls. It can be certain times of day, for example, between 2 pm and 7 pm, and any calls outside that time will be directed to their voicemail. The great thing about this is that your personal number will still work, and only the virtual one will be affected.

Recording Calls

Virtual phone companies often offer free call recording for users. It is a major feature because professional interactions between teachers and parents, students, or other staff can be positive or negative. Since teachers can set their plans to record every call, they can share the recordings with the administration or any authority in case some interactions need to be reviewed.

Virtual Phone Numbers Promote Collaboration

Teachers Collaboration

Teachers interact with many other staff members and important figures in the educational sector. However, they might not want all these people to have access to their personal phone numbers. Virtual numbers can help them collaborate with other educators and stakeholders in the education sector without using their personal numbers.
They can use the numbers to make calls, create and join group chats, participate in conference calls, and even screen sharing sessions with other professionals. Virtual numbers to send and receive feedback, updates, and announcements freely without having to use their personal numbers.

Final Thoughts

Teachers play a major role in society, and while we advance in the digital age, we should look to equip them with tools to make their jobs easier. Virtual phone numbers offer flexibility, privacy, and efficiency, which can help improve the overall educational experience for educators. These tools can help them properly separate their work life from their professional life and promote a healthy balance between the two.

So, educational institutions should collaborate with various providers to equip their staff with virtual phone numbers for work. It will help them improve accountability by recording interactions and help maintain the security and privacy of teachers.