Top 8 Tips to Hold Successful Video Conferences

In recent years, many employees have turned to long-term remote work arrangements. Modern companies quite often offer work-from-home options as a great benefit. Sure, remote meetings are super important for managing teams, giving feedback, and organizing the workflow to achieve business goals.

80% of top executives agree that video conferences are more efficient than audio conferences. They are necessary for better operations within any company with remote employees.

Business Success

But how do you actually make your video conference calls successful and effective? Luckily, we&ve got 10 proven tips that work like a clock.

1. Download All the Necessary Software Updates in Advance

That&s a huge one! Do you remember the last time your conference software started an update, just when you needed to kick off the call? To say that it&s horrible and stressful is to say nothing. A smart move is to launch the video conference app and let it check for all the necessary updates a few hours before the meeting. It will give you enough time to download and install everything in tranquility with no bad consequences on your conference.

Now, restart your PC or laptop to make sure everything works well. If anything was affected by the update, you&ll have some time to fix it.

2. Split a Screen for a Better Demonstration

On Mac, all applications are typically not working in full screen mode. This means it is going to be a bad experience for your audience to try to get what you are showing them in 40%- 60% screen tabs. And, of course, switching between the tabs here and there is also distracting and not convenient. Here&s a better option. Instead, it&s possible to split screen on Mac for a better demonstration of the results/processes you need to present.

3. Connect to a Video Meeting Early

Even if you are a seasoned conference host, don&t exclude the possibility of technical issues getting in your way. Test your equipment early before a video conference. It&ll help you avoid any unpredictable and unpleasant challenges. Make sure your mic as well as camera work properly. Check your connection to be stable. Sound and video shouldn&t be lagging.

If you host a virtual event, you&ll have to arrive early. Ideally, you should be the first to join. Why? This will allow you to warmly welcome all the meeting participants as they join. They&ll appreciate the gesture.

Video Conferencing

4. Assume the Participants Don't Know Anything About the Platform

It&s okay that some of the participants are not familiar with the conference platform you are using for hosting a meeting. This happens all the time. Thus, it&s better to assume they don&t know anything about it. After welcoming greetings, make sure to familiarize the audience with the platform interface. Guide them through tools like chat, mute, conversation boards, etc. Tell them about the location of these tools.

Establish rules for your audience. Encourage people to post questions to the chat or group boards. Take advantage of the host tools to mute participants automatically. Unmute them when it is time for comments and questions. This will definitely reduce distractions and noise. Your audience will appreciate it.

5. Get Help from a Video Conference Producer for Larger Conferences

If you plan to host a huge online meeting with dozens or even hundreds of attendees, turn to a producer for help. Producers are really good for the following:

  • Provide easy access to all the tools to make the event run smoothly.
  • Take care of the presentation and transition between slides.
  • Manage collecting the questions and sending them to you during the Q & A sessions.
  • Control all the interactions and activities in the chat room.
  • Help you with all the screen-sharing tools.
  • Assist you with recording.

In simple words, producers make it possible for you to focus on your message. And they take care of the rest.

6. Avoid Awkward Pauses and Dead Air

Pauses are the cornerstone of efficient conversation. Thanks to them, listeners make connections of all the parts of your speech and get the point that you want to deliver. However, if you use too many pauses, it won&t be good. Actually, this will have the opposite effect. It&ll show you as an amateur. Here&s what to do to avoid too much of dead air:

  1. If you are facing technical issues or waiting for attendees, make sure your audience knows about it.
  2. Share your screen, and always keep it open.
  3. Address and explain any hiccups when they occur.
  4. Welcome new participants when they join and explain to them that you are waiting for others to join as well.

It&s really that simple. What&s next?

7. Make Sure a Video Conference Background Looks Good

Sure, it is cool that you can connect to a video conference from literally anywhere. However, let&s not forget about the surroundings. Make sure your background looks solid and neat. Sometimes, it may be a good idea to go with the backgrounds offered by video hosting software. Just take your time to pick the one that works well for you.

8. Make Your Angle Look Fine

Take your time before the conference to find the most decent angles. We don&t mean you should be a movie star for this. No. Just use your common sense. Place the camera in different positions and spot the one that enables it to catch your head and chest. Aim for a neutral position. Avoid poor camera placements at all costs. Nobody is willing to look at a ceiling or your nose.

Imagine that your virtual event is a face-to-face meeting. Make sure your camera enables you to create eye contact with your audience. Proper lighting also matters.

Wrap Things Up

Here you have it. These 8 killer tips are sure to make your next video conference better. Read them through again if needed. However, the most important thing is to take action. Implement them, and you&ll see the difference.