Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication
Communication is referred as the blood of an organization. Without it, an organization will not work effectively. We have internal and external communications. Internal communication is communication between executives, managers, and junior employees, while external communication is between an organization and the clients. Internal communication is very important as it controls all internal operations of an organization. Normally, internal communication facilitates project coordination, sharing of information, event planning, and social interaction.
Internal communication is an internal marketing combination. Poor internal communication leads to confusion, loss of productivity and lowered morale among employees. For internal communication to flow smoothly, all employees should be treated and considered as internal clients. This means their needs should be fulfilled with the same diligence, attention, and methods devoted to external clients. When internal communication is well adopted and implemented, it guarantees employees motivation, loyalty, and productivity. And by satisfying, the need for the employees ( internal clients), the organization will be in a good position to offer the best external clients. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internal communication?
Advantages of Internal Communication
Running an Organization - For smooth operations of the organization, internal communication should be well
implemented.To make it, the organization can utilize professional and powerful internal communication software
like ezTalks Meetings.
Motivation - When internal communication is well implemented, it motivates the employees of an organization.
Internal communication generally provides a good relationship among senior staff and subordinates. It is only
through communication that every member can feel as part of the organization. This acts as a motivating
Control - The most important function in any organization is control. However, with active internal communication
systems, control is very possible.
Coordination - To achieve set goals in any organization, coordination among all departments is needed. A company
cannot run smoothly without coordination.
Job Satisfaction - When an organization has a sound internal communication, all employees feel happy and job
satisfaction is kept. When an employee is satisfied, an impact will be seen on performance.
Source of Information - Reliable information is needed for a business to survive in the market. This means that only
through sound internal communication that an organization can supply such information to the right department at the
right time.
Turnover - One of the benefits of good internal communication is that when internal communication systems are
working properly, company expenditure reduces significantly.
Aid in Decision Making - Contribution of employees in decision making will not only increase the quality of
decisions made, but also ensure those decisions are well implemented.
Joint Trust - For an organization to run smoothly and for higher productivity, there must be trust between employees
and the management. Only through internal communication that joint trust can be achieved.
Proper Supervision - Proper supervision cannot be achieved if managers or supervisors fail to understand the
problems of the employees. Upward and downward communication can be well exercised if internal communication is
The motivation of All Employees - To motivate the employees, management must understand the attitude of the
employees. With continuous internal communication, proper motivation can be provided.
Develop Managerial Efficiency - To run an organization effectively and efficiently, a supervisor or a manager must
be aware of the resources of the organization. Such information can only be provided through internal
Exchange of Ideas - The last one of the benefits of internal communication is that when internal communication is
well utilized, employees are able to share ideas and their views, develop communication skills, maintain a link
between various departments, and increase efficiency.
Disadvantages of Internal Communication
Conflict - Conflict is one major internal communication disadvantages. Some employees may use the internal
communication benefits to argue with each other or with the management. Conflict can result in tension and
disruption of operations.
Waste of Time - Employees can spend the whole day exchanging office gossip or rumor mongering. Even though it is
important to implement internal communication, proper systems should be used to ensure information shared by
employees is for the benefit of the organization.
Performance Reviews - Performance reviews are mostly used by management as an internal communication system to
discuss personal goals and employees challenges. However, some employees sufficient information may not be obtained
as some employees may fear disciplinary actions or warnings.
Internal communication drives everything in an organization. If internal communication is effective, and organization will succeed. However, if internal communication is ineffective, an organization will fail or be filled with frustrations. In addition, proper systems should be established to eliminated conflicts and waste of time in an organization. Each and every employee should understand and agree to follow the regulations for effective internal communication. Every exchange of information should be delivered at the right time and to the right recipient. Remember, the effectiveness and quality of internal communication in an organization are the contributors to the growth and success of the organization. Hence, the systems should be well monitored and improved when necessary.