The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Call Tracking Services

Call Tracking Serivce

Call tracking technology is implemented by more and more companies every year because the function's value is becoming increasingly apparent. Software products of this format allow not only to learn important information about the target audience but also to automate some routine processes. The only nuance on the way to using their advantages is the choice of the implementation method of such a solution.

Modern providers offer ready-made technologies that companies can try for free or a certain fee, as well as outsourcing call tracking services. In the first case, the company's employees apply the solution directly, and the second option involves entrusting all processes to third-party specialists. In the prepared material, we will consider outsourcing, find outwhy call tracking is important, and reveal several advantages of outsourcing this process to third-party specialists.

Why Should You Use Call Tracking Services?

The technology is known to many business owners. However, not everyone has a clear understanding of the results it provides. This is often the reason for doubts about implementing a software solution. A detailed introduction to the main advantages usually helps to dispel them. Modern best call tracking services provide the following features:

  • Discovering valuable data about each subscriber: Targets, inquiries, phone numbers, demographics, and other information. Based on these indicators, you can form a portrait of the target audience and optimize the marketing strategy.
  • Control over call results: Call tracking software determines how conversations ended - converted or not.
  • Data calculation and reporting: The phone call tracking program converts all received data for a certain period into various reports. This allows you to analyze the strategy's effectiveness and determine its need for changes.

However, the main task of the software solution is to identify the most productive advertising channel. The system substitutes unique numbers for each of them and then automatically detects from which call is coming.

Should Call Tracking Be Outsourced?

The involvement of external specialists is one of the effective ways of introducing technologies. It provides many advantages, but certain features should be considered when deciding. That is why it is sometimes difficult for business representatives to determine whether call tracking outsourcing suits their case.

To understand this issue, most study the available information and determine how agencies charge for call-tracking services. However, this does not always answer the original query. For such cases, experts offer a better solution. It consists in using several criteria.

Features of Business

Before you decide to outsource your call tracking processes, you need to decide if the solution is right for your business model. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the expediency of its use from the point of view of the scale of the project, the financial aspect, the number of employees in the staff, development trends, and other important factors.

The Goal of the Implementation

When considering the possibility of implementing MI phone call tracking services, it is necessary to determine for what purpose they are needed immediately. For example, you want to use the technology for a large area for a long time or you need to see the level of effectiveness of several advertising channels. If the software solution will be used on an ongoing basis and will cover large volumes of data, then you will need the help of third-party experienced experts.

Technical Capabilities

The procedure for implementing TOP call tracking services requires the availability of particular equipment and specific knowledge. If the hardware capabilities of the company allow you to install a software solution, then you can consider purchasing it. In the absence of the necessary technical solutions, it is better to choose outsourcing. Some experts also recommend choosing this method even for those who have the appropriate equipment. After all, it will help to save time for connection and training in the use of new technology.

Financial Opportunities

If you analyze the call tracking services price guide, you can conclude the appearance of additional costs as a result of the independent use of the solution in the company. Some providers offer free versions, but they are trial ones and offer a limited list of features.

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Call Tracking?

This solution can be beneficial for almost any business because it has several advantages. We offer to learn about the most important of them:

  • Organized work: By choosing to outsource, you can get rid of the problems associated with organizing the work of employees. Specialists of a third-party company take these cares upon themselves. They monitor the work of specialists and ensure the desired result.
  • Significant financial savings: According to Deloitte statistics, 70% of companies choose outsourcing precisely because of this factor.
  • No need for specialized equipment: Third-party companies already have everything you need to track calls, so you don't have to worry about buying new equipment.
  • Expert Support: Outsourcing provides the ability to set up call tracking technology by real professionals. This ensures a professional approach and no need to hire a qualified employee.

Another essential advantage is significant time savings. If you choose to outsource, you don't need to spend weeks or even months implementing a software solution and then some time to learn. Third-party companies give results immediately.

What Are the Disadvantages of Outsourcing Call Tracking?

In addition to advantages, this solution also has certain disadvantages. One of the main ones is the lack of flexibility when setting up and adjusting the operation of the technology. The company cannot always immediately contact the responsible employee or project manager. Advance arrangements are required for this. In addition, some organizations that provide outsourced call tracking services may require a long-term contract.


Call tracking software allows you to improve your marketing strategy significantly and as a result, increase your reach and profits. Technology can be implemented in various ways. In particular, call tracking outsourcing is suitable for this. This solution provides financial savings, access to expert support, no problems organizing the team's work, and other advantages.