Assign virtual phone numbers to your business and staff

Thousands of Local, Mobile, and Toll-Free numbers in 130+ countries. Get private numbers for your personal or businesses. Keep your privacy or make it easy and inexpensive for customers to contact.

Why customers choose
eztalks phone numbers

Keep your numbers private
Separate your work number from your private number. Protect your privacy, and no more spam calls on your personal phone numbers.
Brand for Business
Dedicated phone numbers for different teams or use cases, build branding and win customer trust.
SMS & MMS messages
Send and receive SMS text messages globally online at a low cost-efficiently.
Fax online
Send and receive faxes quickly and securely online for your business.
Voice call
Quickly call global customers and close deals with click-to-dial online anywhere and on any e-device.
Call forwarding & recording
Easy to forward incoming calls to any other phone number and record every call online with no miss.
Multiple numbers
Set up multiple numbers for different teams or use cases and manage each number to work precisely how you want it to.
Port your existing numbers
We can port it over for free if you already have a business number. Continue using your phone numbers until the port date (and beyond) with no service interruptions.
Auto-renew and no risk
We will expand your numbers automatically when you turn on auto-renew. Don't worry about the loss of the phone number.

3 steps to get dedicate phone number.
Get started now!

Register your
eztalks account
Choose the virtual
phone numbers
Start to send SMS,
Fax and make call

It’s easy to get started. Sign up for free.

Create your account and get free credits and a free number today