How To Scrape Websites and Turn Them into APIs

Illustration of web scraping process with a funnel collecting various data elements like profiles, text, images, and documents, representing data extraction techniques.

A time comes when you need a specific set of data only to realize the target website's official API does not offer the data. Or, you need a particular set of data delivered in a defined format only to realize the default API tends to return lots of unnecessary information.

Well, if you are a regular scraper facing these troubles, here is a solution for you. Take back control by scraping websites and turning them into APIs.

Scraping Websites and Turning Them into APIs

1. Acknowledge the legal and ethical boundaries

Review the terms of service (TOS) of every website you desire to scrape and turn into an API. Yes, you can build a single API access for multiple websites. However, you must respect each website's legal and ethical boundaries.

Most websites are skeptical about web scraping and actually warn you against it in their terms of service. If you dare violate their limits, there is a likelihood of the website operators reaching out with a cease-and-desist note, if not a lawsuit.

Besides a website's TOS, review its robots.txt file. You can find it in the site's root directory. Explore the file to know what sections of the site you are not allowed to scrape.

Remember, even though the robots.txt file doesn't carry legal weight, it reflects the website's preferences. By respecting the preferences, you promote the essence of legal and ethical scraping and avoid legal trouble.

If by chance you don't find any useful scraping directives in the TOS or robots.txt file, consider reaching out to the website owner, especially if you want to scrape an eCommerce site.

2. Determine if an API exists for the target website

Does the website provide an official API? If it does, is the API giving you access to the data you desire? In case the website does not have an official API, you can check with various web scraper API providers to see if they've already built a third party API for the website. Do the same if you realize the API does not provide the data you need.

For instance, IMDb (Internet Movie Database) and Yahoo Finance do not offer a default API. However, there are unofficial APIs for them. These APIs are built and managed by third party entities. They have a web scraper API library to browse through and quickly determine whether they've developed an API for your target site.

Using a third party API saves you the time and resources needed to put together an API after scraping a site. Moreover, you don't have to worry about the legal obligations or the need for CAPTCHA resolvers or proxies. However, if you don't find a ready-made API for the target site, follow the subsequent steps to eventually build a custom API.

3. Analyze the target site and employ select tools to scrape the site

Using browser tools, examine the HTML and CSS of the pages holding the data in which you are interested. Check the tags, classes, and IDs to determine how the pages' elements are organized. This helps you target particular elements with great precision.

If the page renders plain or simple HTML, you can use tools like BeautifulSoup that make it easy to parse HTML pages. To scrape dynamic content, you need to select a tool capable of handling JavaScript execution like Scrapy or Selenium.

Overall, aim to find a set of tools suitable for a particular website based on how the site renders content. Once you have the tools ready, you build a scraper to get the desired data. You must also integrate the scraper with a proxy to avoid IP bans and rate limits. Not forgetting, you should also have a CAPTCHA solver integrated with the scraper.

4. Refine, validate, and store the scraped data data for optimal access

After scraping a significant amount of data, start with cleaning it. Get rid of duplicates, inconsistencies, and any other irrelevant information. This leaves you with valuable data that you can normalize to ensure consistency across various sources and formats.

Once the data is clean, validate it to ensure accuracy and reliability. This helps prevent errors when used to build different applications or during the analysis phase. Then, you can enrich the data by adding metadata and context to make it more informative before organizing it and storing it.

You can store the data in various formats including JSON or directly in a database such as PostgreSQL or MongoDB. Finally, automate the steps you've taken to prepare the data for optimal access or use before building the API to access this data.

5. Build an API

Now that you have valuable and structured data ready, it is time to expose it with the help of an API. Essentially, creating an API involves defining URLs (or endpoints) through which users can send requests for specific data from its storage point.

So, in your case, you'd have endpoints allowing you or authorized users gain access to the data you've stored in JSON format or in a database. For instance, an endpoint such as ‘/api/discounts' returns the discount prices scraped from a specific website.

You don't have to build an API from scratch. There are frameworks including Flask and FastAPI for this purpose. If you are working on a simple API project, Flask is the framework for you. It is easy to learn and lightweight. For complex projects, use FastAPI as it is designed for performance.

6. Deploy and maintain the API

Once the API is ready, you have the option of deploying it. This is critical, especially if you want to access your API remotely or create a service out of it. Popular cloud platforms including Google Cloud and AWS do offer necessary infrastructure to house an API, handle requests, and serve data 24/7.

Besides deploying the API, you must monitor and regularly maintain the whole setup. The target websites may be restructured, rendering your scraper incapable of retrieving data correctly. This means having an API that serves incomplete or incorrect data. So, spend time maintaining your web scraper API setup to ensure it is serving accurate data consistently.


And, there you have it! You create APIs out of websites by first checking whether the readily available API fulfills your needs. Then, if the API does not offer what you are looking for, you set off on a journey to build a custom one.

With the help of this piece, you'll go from a regular scraper to one capable of building APIs out of different sites. With such a skill, you can build new products such as news aggregators or even empower non-technical users to gain access to well-structured data. Now, go and scrape that website and turn it into an API!