Increasing E-Commerce Sales: The Main Way of Promoting 2024

Shopify Store

Personalizing the Shopify online store is a good way to increase its level of sales. In addition, by demonstrating the product's advantages, this method shows the company's loyalty to the client. It helps to make a purchase decision without activating promotions and discounts, positively affecting profits.

Various elements help to adjust the site to the requests and interests of the buyer:

  • personal recommendations;
  • support;
  • various blocks.

So, what should you add to your website to increase sales?

For example, simply placing several blocks and pop-up windows with information about discounts and promotions on the main page is not personalization. This is informational noise; the client will get lost and close the page. The best way to make your website more valuable is to turn to professionals from DigitalSuits. They provide help with the Shopify development, store migration, and overall digital transformation of your business.

4 Ways of Shopify Personalization

Let's consider options for personalization of the online store, which will allow:

  • help the user make a purchase decision;
  • increase the average order check;
  • gather a base of contacts and feedback.

Related goods

Items accompanying the ordered product can be displayed in different parts of the site:

  • directly in the product card;
  • in the basket;
  • in the pop-up window.

As the results of A/B testing in different stores show, recommendations of related items increase the average check.

Indication of the amount that is not enough for free delivery

Most stores offer free shipping on purchases over a certain amount. A great way to increase sales is to indicate in the cart or checkout how much is left before free shipping. You should also recommend products that can be bought.

Collection of email addresses

Simply posting a message asking you to leave your email address and get a discount will do little.

As practice shows, it is best if such a popup appears after the visitor has viewed several pages. The ideal option is to show the message at the moment when the buyer cannot make a purchase decision. Then, you can promise to send instructions on choosing a product by e-mail. This will work even more effectively than a hypothetical discount.

Here are some more ways to collect email addresses of your potential customers:

  • send a list of products viewed by the user;
  • prepare a guide for choosing clothes.
  • Such pop-ups work well if they appear when the user wants to minimize the page.

Work with feedback

For example, prepare a survey that the user is offered to complete after placing an order. This will help you understand what your Shopify store is doing right and what it is doing wrong.

The collected information will make it possible to eliminate shortcomings and improve the quality of service.

How Do Pop-ups Push Customers Away?

When personalizing, it's essential not to be too pushy. Many pop-ups push customers away; when they appear, potential buyers close the site.

Here are the reasons why customers close them:

  • Appear almost immediately after visiting the store - f.e, in the first 20 seconds. the client considers such information “garbage” because he has not yet made a purchase decision and has not even familiarized himself with the assortment.
  • Without a visible cross or close button. In this case, it is much easier and more accessible for the visitor to close the entire site than to spend time and nerves looking for a way to minimize pop-ups.
  • Overlays navigation elements or the entire screen. In this case, the user immediately goes to another store.
  • Constant appearance. Did the user close the popup? There is no need to show it on the next page. And on all the following ones.

Personalization is beneficial for both marketers and potential customers. The first achieved the following results with its help:

  • significantly increase the level of conversion due to the presence of recommendations for related products;
  • increase the size of the average check - for example, by showing related products or indicating an amount that does not reach free delivery;
  • collect an extensive database of e-mail addresses;
  • get full feedback.

Personalization benefits customers by providing a complete journey that leads them to purchase and checkout, highlighting all the benefits. It also forms a loyal attitude of customers to the store. Therefore, do not waste time and money, and start personalizing your Shopify shop with the help of DigitalSuits! In the end, you will only win.