Top 10 Video Conferencing Interview Etiquette

Attend an interview can be quite nerve wrecking at times whether it is face to face or over a video conference. Sometimes it ends up costing you the position. When it comes to being interviewed there are a few guidelines that you must follow to ensure you get the job,it is the same in video conference interviews. This article is going to lay out video conference interview etiquette with a few tips and tricks.

1. How to Dress For a Video Conference Interview

As in any interview,it is important to look your best and this is no different when it comes to video conference interview attire. Your potential employer will be looking for things like,the neatness of your clothing and how you carry yourself.If you are a man,be sure to dress in a suit and tie,trim your nails,make sure your hair is neat and have a clean shaven face. If you are a woman,there are many styles you may choose from. However,be sure to dress in business clothing,such as a pant suit,long sleeve button down blouse with a pencil skirt or a business dress. Limit the amount of jewellery you wear,for example: no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets. Use a light amount of makeup and have neatly manicured clean nails.There are other forms of interviews where the interviewer might be more casual. However,if you are not sure about what to wear,keep to the above mentioned guidelines.

2. Research Information about the Company

Before the video conference interview,be sure to do some research about the company. The company will usually give you a link to its website. This is important because during the interview progresses,interviewers will expect you to understand what their company does.

They will also ask you if you have any questions,this is where you will have the opportunity to ask anything about the company that you might not understand. When asking your questions,be sure to speak clearly and calmly,do not show any fear or aggression as this will compromise your chances at getting the job. More info about video conferencing interview questions and answer>>

3. Punctuality

It is of great importance to be on time,so be seated in front of your webcam 15 minutes before the interview is scheduled,this will give you some time to go over any details that might trip you up. This will also keep you from fumbling around too much when the video conferencing interview starts,another good reason to be early is to ensure that everything is set up correctly.

4. Conversation

It is important to converse with the interviewer. Remember not to talk so much,or the conversation becomes one sided. Keep your answers to the point and do not veer away from the questions that the interviewer asks,make sure that you have questions of your own prepared.

5. Politeness

Another important video conferencing interview etiquette is to use manners throughout the whole video conferencing interview. Saying please and thank you will take you a long way. Do not chew gum. That is unprofessional and can make you out to be uninterested in the interview. Smile too,which shows that you have confidence even when you are nervous. Do not slouch,this will also show that you may not be very confident and gives the interviewer the impression that you don't want to do the interview.

6. No Interruptions

Make sure that your cellular phone is off or on silent and do not sit on any social media sites while in the video conferencing interview. Because it will show the interviewer that your priorities lie elsewhere and you are not interested in the job at all.

The same thing applies to taking phone calls. If the phone is on silent,let the call go to voicemail,you can always phone back later.

7. Stay in the Interview

Do not let your mind wander or start to daydream in a video conference interview. The cameras of today can and will show what you are doing clearly,which will give the same impression that taking a phone call.

This is also a bad thing to do as it could give the impression to your potential employers that you do not take the interview and position seriously and they will not want to consider you for the position,therefore,you would have wasted their time as well as your own.

8. Never Have A Bad Attitude

Never have a bad attitude towards your interviewer or past jobs that you did. No company wants to hear you bad mouthing about previous employers,because that would show that you might do the same thing to them. They have a reputation and don't want you to make them look bad.

If your interviewer looks stern and does not try and emulate that,just keep on smiling. Emulating a stern interviewer shows bad conduct and that is not what any company wants. Thus,refrain from taking a bad attitude at all.

9. Listen

Listening is a key strategy in going for an interview. If the interviewer asks you a question,just listen to it carefully. Do not halfheartedly take it in. Take your time with the question and make sure that you have a suitable answer. If you did your research on the company,you can show in your answers.

10. Closing

At the end of the interview,let the interviewer know how suitable you are for the job and that you will fit in well at the company. If the question about financial particulars hasn't come up,do not mention it. The interviewer will get to that in time. If not in this interview it will perhaps be in a follow-up interview or when the company offers you the job. Be polite when the interviewer ends the interview,and thank him for his time.

Using these tips and tricks on how to ace a video conference interview will greatly improve your chances of getting the job. Being able to master any of these techniques is one of the best ways to impress the interviewer and have them considering you for the position in their company. Just remember to relax and try not to let your nerves get the best of you. Good luck to you and may you be successful in your job search.